Category: Designer Features

December Advent Day Two: Get to Know Dawn by Design

Dawn of Dawn by DesignThis month, in recognition of our site’s opening, we’ve decided to combine December Advent with a fun “Get to Know Our Designers” event. Each day, you’ll get a chance to learn about one of the amazing members of our Design Team.

For Day Two, you get a chance to know Dawn of Dawn by Design a little better! She’s got a really clean, sophisticated (and yet artsy!) design style that we know you will love, and her products are often filled with unique handwritten words and phrases, paint brushes, splats, and other fun hand-crafted elements.



  1. I can twirl a baton. I have never been a baton twirler in any official capacity. I spent all of one summer in middle school learning with my cousin, but when school started I found out you also had to be in band to be a twirler. My dad said no to the whole thing since I wasn’t actually interested in learning an instrument.
  2. Two of my (five) children were born at home.
  3. I am halfway through reading the Christian bible, Catholic canon. I’m slated to finish in June by reading one of those bible-in-a-year books that has daily readings.
  4. I took synchronized swimming in college. It’s very hard, y’all.
  5. I met my husband when I was 19 years old and we married 9 months later, while still in college. New Year’s Eve is our anniversary and this year marks our 18th.


  1. My favorite food is food. Just food.
  2. My favorite dessert is a nice, fudgy brownie. With a cold glass of milk. Wait. Did I say “a” brownie? I meant All The Brownies.
  3. My favorite book is Pride and Prejudice.
  4. My favorite place to shop is online. And that’s a remote second. My first favorite is to not have to shop at all.
  5. The one product I can’t live without is Chapstick. And people around here always be taking my Chapstick.


My favorite product is Right Now because of my clocks. I love the clocks.


If you love Dawn’s products and would like a chance to win one free kit from her shop (excluding collabs)… leave a comment here on this post and let us know what you love, and why you love it! At the very end of our December Advent series later this month, we’ll randomly choose one winner from all comments!

December Advent Day One: Get to Know Laura Passage

This month, in recognition of our site’s opening, we’ve decided to combine December Advent with a fun “Get to Know Our Designers” event. Each day, you’ll get a chance to learn about one of the amazing members of our Design Team.

First up for Day One is our very own Laura Passage (who many of you also know as Wishing Well Creations). She’s got a really playful, papery design style that we know you will love, and she is known for the bright rainbow colors she often uses for her products.



  1. Before I had kids, I worked for over a decade as a college soccer coach.
  2. I once held a wild chipmunk in my hands. In related news: chipmunks enjoy Nutri-Grain bars.
  3. While in college, I spent a semester working in NYC and I interned at Rolling Stone Press.
  4. During my honeymoon, our cruise ship caught fire in the middle of the Caribbean and we came within about 10 minutes of being evacuated onto life-boats. The fire stopped 9 cabins away from ours!
  5. In my life, I have had 2 knee surgeries, 1 lower back surgery, and 2 emergency c-sections.


  1. Dessert: Haagen Dazs coffee ice cream (yes, brand-specific! no others can even compete!)
  2. TV Show: Lately, that spot is held by The Walking Dead… a show I once told my husband I’d have zero interest in watching. True story.
  3. Product I can’t live without: Aquaphor. I’ve convinced my kids it will cure anything. Even sibling rivalry. “Just put Aquaphor on it!”
  4. Book: After over 2 decades and more than one reading, I still love (and will always love) the complete and uncut version of Stephen King’s The Stand.
  5. Convenience Item: probably my iPhone. Cliché, I know. I care not. So convenient. 😉


This is so tough, because I always tend to be crushing on my most recent products the most… but I do have a special spot in my heart for …And The Pursuit of Happiness because it’s got such an overall happy feel to it (and even though it’s theme-specific, it’s also generic enough to use all year long).

...And The Pursuit of Happiness | Kit

If you love Laura’s products and would like a chance to win one free kit from her shop… leave a comment here on this post and let us know what you love, and why you love it! At the very end of our 2014 December Advent series later this month, we’ll randomly choose one winner from all comments!