Renew an Old Passion

The start of a new year is traditionally a time to reflect back on the old year and make plans for the year to come. I have to confess, I have never been good at keeping New Year’s Resolutions.  Oh, I am good at making them, but then life happens and it all goes out the window.

As I grow older I have found that making time in my life for things that I am passionate about – whether a hobby I had to set down when the kids came or a relationship that has been on the back burner – really brings new meaning and color to my life.

For example:

I LOVE running.  I have been a runner since I was a child.  I love the exercise, but more than that I enjoy the release from stress, the exertion, the time to get out and be away, the way my brain (which always goes 90 to nothing) can settle down into the steady rhythm of running and not think about anything else.

When my number 3 was born I had some serious health problems and the doctors told me I should never run again – apparently it was destroying my spine.  I was devastated, but I listened and gave up my favorite form of exercise.

That was three years ago.

Three weeks ago, after what has been a very hard year, I went out for a run for the first time.  And I LOVED it.  My entire week was so much better, my spirit was happier and my body felt better and less stiff than I have felt in years.

I know what my doctor said back in the United States, and I understand the risks, but I also know that I am such a better mother, wife and all around person when I have this hobby to release the stress in my life. (And for those who might be concerned – I talked with a doctor here in Thailand who is willing to monitor my spine and provide health care so that I can continue my preferred form of exercise.)

When I thought about our word for the month – RENEW – I immediately thought of this resurgence of running in my life.  The past 5 years have seen me slowly renewing the various passions I have set aside for whatever reason and as I pick them up I feel that I am becoming more truly the person I was meant to be.  The return to running has made such a profound difference in my life this past month that I wanted to scrap this renewal so that I could remember it.

(credits: Scissor Cut Vol 1 Template by Laura Passage, A New Me by River-Rose, The Original Torn Bits No. 6 by creashens)

So for those of you who are not so good with making New Year’s Resolutions, perhaps instead you could look into renewing an old passion that you set aside – or maybe just never pursued.  Passions are much easier to maintain because we have such strong emotional connections and even needs for them, and often our passions lead us to be healthier overall because we are enjoying our life more. Plus, in most cases we are much more motivated to continue our passions than we are to follow through on a resolution.  Just think about it for a wee bit.

If you are feeling the desire to pursue a passion, head on over to Challenge Forums now and check out the challenge I have for you this month that goes along with this post.

And Happy New Year!

Erin 1About the Author: Erin is a work from home mom of three living in Thailand. She loves playing with her kids and anything artsy. She can often be found knee deep in toys with paint on her face. She is slowly learning the meaning of living an authentic life, and enjoying every minute of the adventure.

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